Practice Profile (2016)

  1. There are just over 7000 patients registered at Hillfoot Surgery and our numbers have grown by 10% over the past 10 years.
  2. Compared to the Leeds average, we have relatively:
    1. More children (21% of our population is aged 15 or under)
    2. Fewer young people (32% of our patients are aged 16-40)
    3. More patients age 45+ (32% of our patients are aged 41-65, 6% of our population are aged 66-74, 9% of our population are aged 75 or older)
  3. Our deprivation is relatively low. 3% of our patients are classified as ‘comfortably off’.  Nonetheless we have 410 patients who are classified as ‘struggling families’.
  4. Just under 15% of our patients smoke, compared to the Leeds and CCG area average of just over 20%
  5. Our recorded obesity rates (body mass index greater than 30) of 22% are slightly higher than the Leeds average (21.5%).
  6. 3% of our patients have a cancer diagnosis (Leeds average 2.8%)
  7. Our emergency admission rates are low relative to other Practices.
  8. 29% of our population are living with a long term condition.
  9. 78% of our population aged 75 or older are living with one or more long term conditions.
  10. Our male patients can expect to live on average until they are 78.7 years (average for North and West Leeds is 78.6), and females can expect to live until they are 82.6 (average for North and West Leeds is 82.4).